Thursday, April 30, 2009

Homeschool Heaven

What better way to commemorate my inaugural post than by showing off the bonanza of goodies that arrived from Barnes and Noble the other day? (Yes, there's a Tarot book in there for me, too.) We've been having a blast with the games--Logan loves Mille Bornes as I knew he would--but the big surprise was the Barenaked Ladies' Snacktime! cd of songs for children. I would totally listen to it even if I didn't have a kid in the car.

I devoured The Unschooling Unmanual in less than a day. For those who may wander in here and not know (hi Mom!), unschooling is much more than just a homeschooling method. It's a whole lifestyle, a way of living, parenting, and learning together as a family. It requires unlearning everything we ever thought we knew about getting a "proper education". That process of unlearning is called "deschooling", and that's where we're at now. If it looks like every day around here is Saturday, that's because we're living as though it is. No need for schedules, curriculum, textbooks, or tests. As these photos from our first few weeks attest, living IS learning!
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